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Plant, Prey, Predator


This was my first ever emergent behavior project and it took me 2 weeks to complete. This was something I needed to first draw out in a notebook before even touching Unity or C#.

I planned out the behaviors, different animals and their relation to the environment. â€‹

On the hunt...

A look into the behaviors of this project

Throughout this project, I had developed a few core behaviors the animals would follow and here are the most notable:

1. Eat



Creatures can be spawned in using sliders that can and can help influence each of these behaviors and their priority for each of the animals

A look into the behaviors

This is the herbivore behavior priortizes finding the plants around the map and staying away from the predators.

However, whether in a herd or not, when a predator enters its detection range it will simply run away in the opposite direction causing a "wave" like effect when it happens within a herd.

Combine this with the need of the herbivores to find the plants cause the herbivores to "herd" together as the herd moves in different directions based on their needs. 
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