William Boudreau
William Boudreau
Game Programmer
Hello! Welcome to my portfolio!
My name is William Boudreau, I am currently in my 2nd year of studying game programming and design at Nova Scotia Community College.
I am a passionate about creating engaging and satisfying experiences within my games.
Feel free to take a look around and explore!
School Projects
Role: Lead Programmer
A top down pirate themed shoot'em up made in only 3 months of development
Role: Independent Developer
A proprietary algorithm that produces a city scape with its own stats with the goal of making the city "stable"
Role: Lead Programmer
An emergent behavior simulation based on how different animals and plants interact with each other
Personal Projects
Role: Programmer
A top down 2D shoot'em up taking place inside of a circuit board as your face off against the errors that plague the system
Role: Programmer
Dealers bonus is a game made during the NSCC fall game jam.
Theme: Bad luck can be a good thing